Magic In the Classroom Survey

We are currently crowd sourcing examples of using magic as teaching tool in classrooms and other science communication contexts.

Two key kinds of materials we’re looking to collect & share are syllabi for magic-themed courses and lesson plans for smaller more self contained demonstrations.

The idea is that we’ll compile the ideas and share them here on the SoMA website, as a resource for folks are looking to try out new magic-related material in their own work.

You can submit your ideas via the following forms:

  • If you have a google account you can upload directly via this form

  • Alternatively, if you’d prefer not use a google account you can fill in this form, and can fill out this form, and then send us your content via an email to

To kick things off here’re some examples of syllabi and lessons:

Please direct any questions related to this project to

I hope you find the above examples useful, and thanks in advance for contributing your ideas!

-Matt Tompkins

On behalf of the SoMA Committee

Matt Tompkins