
About SOMA membership

***Following our 2019 Conference, we are currently in the process of revising our membership application portal, and we are temporarily unable to accept new membership applications. We’ll be up and running again soon. In the meantime you can sign up to our newsletter to stay updated****

S.o.M.A. is a non-profit organization. Committee members all work on a voluntary basis, and all proceeds from from our membership fees go towards supporting the cost of our conference, including venue fees as well as as travel and accommodation expenses for our keynote speakers. 

  • Fees are $20.00 USD for Student Members

  • and $40.00 USD for Regular Members

 We hope you will support the organization by becoming a member.

All members receive discounted conference registration fees, and are eligible to submit  proposals for conference presentations (you will receive a discount code and link to the abstract submission portal upon enrolling as a member)