About SOMA membership
The Science of Magic Association (SoMA) seeks to:
Encourage rigorous research directed toward understanding the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of magic
Facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations between academics, researchers, scientists, and performers
Communicate magic-related academic research to a wide audience
Generally promote critical thinking and appreciation for art of magic
Membership in SoMA is open to anyone with an interest in the science of magic.
At this time, rather than charging membership fees, we invite anyone joining to make a donation towards helping to support the running of the organization (e.g. maintaining this website, organizing events, etc.)
Suggested Donations are $20.00 USD for Student Members
and $40.00 USD for Regular Members
(We are, of course, happy to accept larger donations. And, conversely, these suggested fees should not been seen as a barrier for entry)
We hope you will support the organization by becoming a member.