Instructions for Presenters

We welcome presentations from across disciplines that are themed around rigorous research or theory directed toward understanding the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of magic and illusion. We also invite submissions from practitioners who have applied principles of theatrical magic in unique settings. SoMA is an inclusive organization that welcomes members with diverse backgrounds and across multiple disciplines including science and technology, humanities, practicing magicians, and individuals who are simply interested in science and magic.

All Presenters:

  • Registration: First authors are expected to register for the conference in order to present their poster or talk.

  • Content Suggestion: We do not run parallel sessions, so folks from a wide spectrum of disciplines will be attending your presentation.

    • When composing your content please bear in mind that this is an interdisciplinary conference. Academics in your audience my come from a wide range of specializations (psychology, neuroscience, history, philosophy, mathematics, robotics, etc.) and we also aim to make contents accessible for non-academics in attendance.

      • When preparing your presentations, where possible, try to skew your content closer to a popular talk for a general audience, rather than what you might present at a more specialist academic conference for people within your specific discipline.

  • Supplemental Materials (Optional): Presenters have the option of submitting supplemental materials. These can be can include accompanying texts (e.g. a published paper or lecture notes), slides, reference lists, and/or multi-media that will be made available to conference attendees via our website. (Please contact us via email at to submit any material you’d like to made available).

  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference program and online via the SoMA website


  • Talk slots last 15 minutes in total.

    • 10 minutes for the presentation with 5 minutes for questions

    • The goal here is to showcase a variety of projects and ideas, and we will have several scheduled times throughout both conference days for attendees to hold informal discussions.

Poster Presenters:

  • Dimensions: Posters should be no larger than A0 size in a vertical (portrait) orientation.

  • Flash Talks: We are planning on including a series of 'flash talks’ that will precede the poster session. These will be very brief talks (2 mins, accompanied by 1 slide) that are designed to introduce poster presenters and topics on stage prior to the poster session. (Participation in the flash talks is entirely optional- you are still be welcome to present at the poster session even if you prefer to not to give a flash talk). 

Please direct any questions to